This page provides additional materials of the article:
Scholtens, L. H., de Reus, M. A., de Lange, S. C., Schmidt, R., & van den Heuvel, M. P. (2018). An mri von economo–koskinas atlas. NeuroImage, 170, 249-256.
This page provides files to incorporate the the atlas FreeSurfer, some simple code of how to apply the atlas to T1 scans within the FreeSurfer software suite, regional and layer-specific quantitative cytoarchitectonic information for 43 brain regions, and a digital Von Economo - Koskinas atlas in MNI152 standard space.
For more information about the Von Economo and Koskinas atlas and the procedures used for manual segmentation of the atlas onto individual T1 scans and the subsequent construction of the digital atlas see the paper by Scholtens et al. (2018). This paper contains also all references to the original sources used (e.g. von Economo & Koskinas, "Die cytoarchitektonik der hirnrinde des erwachsenen menschen" (1925) ).
DATA_DIR= # describing the directory that includes the lh.colortable.txt, rh.colortable.txt, lh.economo.gcs, rh.economo.gcs datafiles SUBJECTS_DIR= # the FreeSurfer subject directory containing FreeSurfer output SUBJECTNAME= # FreeSurfer Subjectname # Formation of Von Economo - Koskinas annotation files mris_ca_label -t ${DATA_DIR}/lh.colortable.txt ${SUBJECTNAME} lh ${SUBJECTS_DIR}/${SUBJECTNAME}/surf/lh.sphere.reg ${DATA_DIR}/lh.economo.gcs ${SUBJECTS_DIR}/${SUBJECTNAME}/label/lh.economo.annot mris_ca_label -t ${DATA_DIR}/rh.colortable.txt ${SUBJECTNAME} rh ${SUBJECTS_DIR}/${SUBJECTNAME}/surf/rh.sphere.reg ${DATA_DIR}/rh.economo.gcs ${SUBJECTS_DIR}/${SUBJECTNAME}/label/rh.economo.annot # Create anatomical stat files mris_anatomical_stats -a ${SUBJECTNAME}/label/lh.economo.annot -f ${SUBJECTNAME}/stats/lh.economo.stats ${SUBJECTNAME} lh mris_anatomical_stats -a ${SUBJECTNAME}/label/rh.economo.annot -f ${SUBJECTNAME}/stats/rh.economo.stats ${SUBJECTNAME} rh