Dutch Connectome Lab

The dutch connectome lab is a group of neuroscience enthusiasts with all kinds of backgrounds (biology, physics, math, medicine, artificial intelligence) working at the Complex Trait Genetics Lab and the center for neurogenomics and cognitive research, part of the Neurocience Campus Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC.

Our focus: Integrative brain function depends on efficient functional communication within a massive web of billions to trillions of neuronal connections. All this is happening within what we call our 'brain'. Our research focus is to get a better understanding of the wiring architecture of the brain's network and to understand how abnormal connectivity may lead to neurological and psychiatric brain diseases. One of our recent pets is to map the communication hubs of the brain, examining how they 'rich club' together, at what price and, in particular, why... to keep our 1.5 kg of brain mush together?

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These are the people of the Dutch Connetome Lab..


Recently published papers

  • Functional Connectome of the Fetal Brain
    Turk E, van den Heuvel MI, Benders MJ, de Heus R, Franx A, Manning JH, Hect JL, Hernandez-Andrade E, Hassan SS, Romero R, Kahn RS, Thomason ME, van den Heuvel MP | Journal of Neuroscience | 04-12-2019
  • Evolutionary modifications in human brain connectivity associated with schizophrenia
    van den Heuvel MP, Scholtens LH, de Lange SC, Pijnenburg R, Cahn W, van Haren NEM, Sommer IE, Bozzali M, Koch K, Boks MP, Repple J, Pievani M, Li L, Preuss TM, Rilling JK | Brain | 14-11-2019
  • Genetic mapping and evolutionary analysis of human-expanded cognitive networks
    Wei Y, de Lange SC, Scholtens LH, Watanabe K, Ardesch DJ, Jansen PR, Savage JE, Li L, Preuss TM, Rilling JK, Posthuma D, van den Heuvel MP | Nature Communications | 24-10-2019
  • Gradients of structure-function tethering across neocortex
    Vazquez-Rodriguez B1, Suarez LE, Markello RD, Shafiei G, Paquola C, Hagmann P, van den Heuvel MP, Bernhardt BC, Spreng RN, Misic B | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 30-09-2019
  • Topography Impacts Topology: Anatomically Central Areas Exhibit a "High-Level Connector" Profile in the Human Cortex
    Zhang J, Scholtens LH, Wei Y, van den Heuvel MP, Chanes L, Barrett LF, | Cerebral Cortex | 05-09-2019

more... [ 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005 ]

Our favorites

  • Hubs in the human fetal brain network
    van den Heuvel MI, Turk E, Manning JH, Hect J, Hernandez-Andrade E, Hassan SS, Romero R, van den Heuvel MP, Thomason ME | Dev Cogn Neuroscience | 06-02-2018
  • Comparative Connectomics
    van den Heuvel MP, Bullmore ET, Sporns O | Trends Cogn Sci. | 26-03-2016
  • Rich club organization supports a diverse set of functional network configurations
    Senden M, Deco G, de Reus MA, Goebel R, van den Heuvel MP | Neuroimage. | 01-08-2014
  • Functionally linked resting-state networks reflect the underlying structural connectivity architecture of the human brain
    van den Heuvel MP, Mandl RC, Kahn RS, Hulshoff Pol HE | Hum Brain Mapp | 23-02-2009
  • Small-world and scale-free organization of voxel-based resting-state functional connectivity in the human brain
    van den Heuvel MP, Stam CJ, Boersma M, Hulshoff Pol HE | Neuroimage. | 15-11-2008

more... [ 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005 ]

Please let us know if you are looking for other resources or data.

Internship positions are available for highly motivated students, who are as excited as us to explore the connectome.

Lab members have wide variety of backgrounds and are working on a broad range of topics, so it is likely that there will be a project of interest for you. To give an impression, we list a few previous projects:

  • Linking connectomes from various modalities (EEG, resting state fMRI, DTI)
  • Studying different modalities of the developing brain
  • Exploring the microscopic connectome of the C. elegans
  • Relating genetics and connectomics in disorders
  • Developing new mathematical tools for network analysis
If you are interested, please contact us through the contact form on this website.

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